ProChek : The Best Way To Obtain Reliability and Precision Current Measurements

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The ProChek Characterization System
Rapid precision current measurements in IC production test and understanding better test methodologies can help reduce reliability risks and ensure reliably working circuits.
Using a number of practical cases as a baseline, this webinar illustrates the benefits of fast and highly repeatable precision current measurements and presents measurement tools and solutions that support attaining those benefits.
May 23, 2018 10am-11am (UTC-7)
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Come listen to Dr. Hans Manhaeve explain how fast and highly repeatable precise current measurements can be provided at low cost by Ridgetop’s ProChek family for production test, characterization, qualification and failure analysis.

Learning Objectives
    Understand measurement performance parameters and how to properly assess instrument specifications.
  • Learn how precise current measurements and related test methodologies can help weed out reliability risks and ensure reliably working circuits.
  • Learn about Q-Star Test™ modules that are deployed around the world across a wide variety of rapid precision current measurements in IC production test, characterization, qualification, and failure analysis applications.