This year at Autotestcon 2018, Doug Goodman will be presenting Alternative Multivariate Methods for State Estimation, Anomaly Detection, and Prognostics.
This presentation is part of the PCB Diagnostics and Repair session on Wednesday September 19th, at 10am, and will delve into the Multivariate Analysis at the core of the Ridgetop Group Advanced Diagnostics and Prognostics products.
This advancement in the algorithm for data analysis can improve your testing capability by broadening the scope of relevant inputs to narrow down the cause of failures. This presentation represents the next steps in our foundational analytics tools and products. These advancements will allow you to improve the accuracy of you equipment by allowing you to use multiple data points for example: combining current and temperature measurement analysis to create a more refined picture of what actually caused a failure or anamaly. This new family of multivariate algorithms is now part of Ridgetop’s Advanced Data Analytics Reasoner tool set. Yes, we see it as a form of RADAR that helps find failures. Stop by and talk to Doug Goodman and Tom Heiser about licensing this algorithm to improve your test flow.
Ridgetop Group specializes in combining sensors, test and measurement techniques with proprietary data analytics in systems for semiconductor test and qualification, and Hi-Rel applications estimating remaining useful life in avionics and transportation. The research scientists at RGI continue to advance this predictive modeling technique that is commonly referred to as Prognostics.