The Advanced Electrolyte Model (AEM) developed at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) is a proven software capability designed to explore molecular-to-macroscale level aspects of electrolyte behavior and can be used to drastically reduce the time required to characterize and optimize electrolytes. Although it is applied most frequently to Li-ion and Na-ion battery systems, it is general in its theory and can be used toward numerous other targets.
Join Ridgetop Group and special guest, Dr. Kevin L. Gering from INL to find out how the results and analysis provided by AEM will help identify new electrolyte combinations for your unique applications.
Webinar is scheduled for Thursday, May 18, 2023, at 11 AM PT (6:00 PM UTC).
Miss the Webinar? Enter your contact information below and a Ridgetop Group Representative will get in touch to share the recorded slides and video.